Meet representatives from USCECC-Veritas Education, and learn more about their opportunities.
Based in Reston, Virginia, Veritas Education, an organization with both for-profit and nonprofit divisions, aims to enhance students’ learning and community involvement by providing theory driven education curriculum and programs.
Sign up by March 24.
Virtual coffee chats provide students an opportunity to connect one-on-one with an employer or graduate school representative for an informal conversation and to ask questions about their organization, career paths, applications/recruiting or any other professional topic.
While it is not a formal recruiting or application program, it does provide a chance to explore your options and start to develop a network.
Students can reserve a time slot by clicking the “Apply” on the coffee chat posting in Handshake, and then selecting a slot that fits your schedule. Uploading a resume is optional, but encouraged. It provides an opportunity for the employer representative to get to know you better, and give you constructive feedback on how you can adjust your resume for future applications.
For assistance polishing your resume, come to drop-in hours, schedule an appointment with a PCA or consult our resume guide.