The Center for Career Development strives to provide guidance and support Princeton students during their recruitment process with employers.
Only current enrolled Princeton University undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to participate in the Center for Career Development's recruiting program. We have created these standards to help you navigate decisions or challenges that may arise during the recruiting process in a professional manner. The Center for Career Development is available to provide guidance and support you during the recruitment process. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.
All Princeton students who participate in our recruiting program are expected to follow these standards as they are designed with your best interests in mind. Center for Career Development staff members are here to answer any questions you have, provide support or advocate on your behalf with employers.
Please also consider your fellow classmates and other students with respect to all of your interactions with employers. While you may decide you are no longer interested in an opportunity, you must still follow professional etiquette in canceling or rescheduling all interviews, coffee chats and appointments to ensure ongoing, positive relationships with employers.
By participating in the recruiting program, you agree to abide by the following recruiting guidelines and policies set forth by the Center for Career Development. Please also indicate in Handshake that you understand the standards.
Recruiting Standards
Canceling an interview
On a rare occasion, you may have to cancel an interview or coffee chat commitment. You may cancel 24 hours prior to the interview (or by noon ET Friday if your interview is scheduled on the following Monday) through Handshake. This will allow the employer enough time to select an alternate candidate to interview in your place.
To cancel, you must do the following:
- Contact the Center for Career Development at [email protected] a minimum of 24 hours prior so that we will try and make alternative arrangements, if possible.
- Write an apology email to the employer also copying the Center for Career Development at [email protected].
To ensure strong relationships with employers and ongoing opportunities for our students, we strongly discourage multiple cancellations of interviews and coffee chats. Please note the policy below:
- First occurrence - send an apology email to the employer and copy the Center for Career Development at [email protected] within 24 hours from the interview schedule.
- Second occurrence - you must follow the above and schedule a meeting with the Center for Career Development.
- Third occurrence and beyond - you must follow the instructions above for the second occurrence and there will be a potential suspension of your Handshake account and campus/virtual recruiting program privileges.
If you no show-up for an interview or coffee chat and have not canceled in advance (see above cancellation policy) the following applies:
- First occurrence: send an apology email to the employer and copy the Center for Career Development at [email protected] within 24 hours of the missed interview and schedule a meeting. You must also with the Center for Career Development.
- Second occurrence: send an apology email to the employer and copy the Center for Career Development at [email protected] within 24 hours from the missed interview, schedule a meeting with the Center for Career Development and there may be a suspension of your Handshake account or suspension from campus recruitment activities.
- Third occurrence: send an apology email to the employer and copy the Center for Career Development at [email protected] within 24 hours from the missed interview and schedule a meeting with the Center for Career Development. Access to coffee chats and interviews wil be suspended for the semester.
Please note that failing to communicate effectively with an employer regarding cancellations, reneges, or acceptances can have a negative impact on your relationship with the employer and may affect future recruitment opportunities for Princeton students at that organization.
We strongly encourage maintaining good lines of communication with prospective employers, as this reflects accountability and professionalism.
Similarly, if you are having difficulties getting in touch with a prospective employer afterward, we are happy to support you.
You can continue to access Handshake and apply for positions while studying abroad. Many employers accommodate students studying abroad by conducting interviews remotely over the phone or via video. Please note that the cancellation and no-show guidelines and our recruiting policies still apply to students studying abroad.
To avoid violating these policies, it is best to communicate in advance with the employer. When applying for a position, in your cover letter explain your study-abroad status and alert the Center for Career Development by sending an email to [email protected].
Students taking a leave of absence may continue to use Handshake and are eligible to participate in the recruiting program. However, if you sign up for an interview, when applying for positions you should disclose to the employer in your cover letter that you are on a leave of absence. If you are not available to interview on campus, you may request special consideration such as a video interview.
However, please note that these special requests are solely at the employer’s discretion. In addition, for all Campus Recruiting Program postings you apply for please send an email to [email protected] to note you have applied to a position while on leave of absence
Misrepresentation (e.g., dishonesty about the information provided in your application materials, another person applying for positions on your behalf, giving your Handshake access to someone else) is unethical and unacceptable. Any misrepresentation will result in permanent suspension of your Handshake account and ineligibility for the Campus Recruiting Program.
Evaluating a job offer involves careful thought and consideration. We require employers to provide students a reasonable amount of time to make this important decision.
If you have received an offer based on interactions with employers through the Campus Recruiting Program, the employer has been asked to abide by the Offer guidelines section (below) on this page, including the timeframe for how long students should have to accept or decline an offer.
Please familiarize yourself with our offer policy and review our step-by-step guide to evaluating job offers. If you feel you need more time to decide, you may ask for an extension. Should you have any questions or concerns about a job or internship offer you received, please contact the Center for Career Development.
The Center for Career Development discourages employers from issuing "exploding offers," which places undue pressure on a student to induce an acceptance of the offer earlier than the time frame indicated in the offer policy. An exploding offer may include an employer:
- making multiple calls within a short amount of time
- establishing more favorable options if you accept early like choosing specific departments or assignments
- offering special early acceptance bonuses
- If you encounter this type of situation, please contact the Center for Career Development for assistance
Employers spend significant resources and effort to select candidates and issue job offers. When you accept an offer, you are making a professional commitment to the employer. It is unethical to renege on an offer. Reneging on an offer may have serious consequences, such as:
- compromising your professional reputation and future opportunities
- damaging the relationship between the employer and Princeton University
- limiting future opportunities for fellow students
- suspension of your access to the Handshake system and the campus recruiting program
When accepting an offer, you are expected to withdraw from interviews that have already been scheduled and to stop searching for jobs or internships. If you are unsure about whether to accept an offer or are feeling pressured by an employer for quick decision-making, please contact the Center for Career Development for assistance.
The penalties for reneging on an offer are substantial. A student who reneges on an accepted offer is required to meet with the Center for Career Development.
The student must also email the company, copying the Center for Career Development, to apologize and explain the reasons for their actions.
Reneging on an offer may also result in a loss or suspension of Center for Career Development privileges including:
- First years, sophomores and juniors who accept an internship offer and then renege on their acceptance may lose access to Handshake, including campus interviews and postings for the remainder of their time at Princeton.
- Seniors who accept a full-time job offer and then renege on their acceptance may lose access to the Handshake system including the Campus Recruiting Program and postings, and future support when they are alumni.
International students who are interested in working in the United States will need work authorization and are strongly encouraged to attend one of the Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Optional Practical Training (OPT) seminars offered by the Davis International Center covering immigration status and work authorization.
Work authorization in the United States has to be obtained prior to the start date of your internship or full-time job. Not only is failure to obtain work authorization unlawful, it can have other serious consequences, such as:
- Compromising your professional reputation and future opportunities
- Damaging the relationship between the employer and Princeton University
- Limiting future opportunities for fellow students
- Suspension of your access to the Handshake system and the Campus Recruiting Program
Second-round interview policy
Our Second-Round Interview Policy is intended to give students the opportunity to be able to attend all scheduled first-round interviews with employers of their choice.
Students should not be asked to cancel a first-round interview in order to attend a second-round interview. Employers should make every effort to accommodate candidates’ class and interview schedules.
Employers who violate the Second-Round Interview Policy will be subject to penalties, which may include being unable to schedule interviews during the first two weeks of the next recruiting season in which they participate.
To ensure that students have the opportunity to participate in all first-round interviews they have signed up for, we have guidelines in place for scheduling off-campus second-round interviews.
Offer guidelines
We encourage all employers to provide a reasonable time frame for students to consider all full-time and internship offers. We have outlined our offer deadline guidelines below.
Please note that the Center for Career Development explicitly prohibits any practice that improperly influences or pressures students to accept offers earlier than the time frames posted below. This includes exploding offers to induce early acceptance via bonuses, frequent phone calls to students, the ability to choose a particular department and assignment.
All employers participating in the Campus Recruiting Program, including postings, campus/virtual interviews, employer information sessions, career fairs, coffee chats and other visibility events and programs coordinated in conjunction with the Center for Career Development, will be expected to follow the offer guidelines.
We encourage all employers to provide a reasonable time frame for students to consider all full-time and internship opportunities and offers. For 2025 internship and full-time offers, the Center for Career Development recommends that employers give students at least 3 weeks after extension of written offer.
The Center for Career Development explicitly prohibits any practice that improperly influences or pressures students to accept offers earlier than the time frames posted below. This includes exploding offers to induce early acceptance via bonuses, frequent phone calls to students, the ability to choose a particular department and assignment, etc.
Please note that offer timelines may range from three to five days for many of the Princeton-specific internship programs so we encourage you to refer any program-specific questions to the program administrator.
If you have any questions about the guidelines and policies above, please contact the Center for Career Development at [email protected].
Offers with deadlines before Oct. 6, 2024
The Center for Career Development is aware of the efforts of employers placing undue pressure on students to accept job or internship offers prior to Oct. 6, 2024. prior to the start of the recruiting season.
We do not condone this practice and will do our best to assist you with the proper conversation. The final decision is yours to make in regards to the offer. Although we are not advising you to change your mind after you accept an offer, we will not penalize you for that decision if it was the result of pressure from employers.
Please contact the Employer Engagement and Outreach team at [email protected] for further questions or concerns.